Contact Us
622 West N Street
Grangeville, ID 83530
Number to Text office +1 (208) 907-6002
Call us at +1 (208) 983 2020
622 West N Street
Grangeville, ID 83530
Number to Text office +1 (208) 907-6002
Call us at +1 (208) 983 2020
Dr. Brown has been practicing in Grangeville since 1993. He completed a Veteran's Administration residency in hospital based/geriatric optometry in 1993.
Our specialty is total vision care for the entire family, both young and old. We work closely with the areas best surgeons and specialist to refer you to the experts when we aren't able to provide the services that you need. Our patients value being able to receive their post-op visits in our office.
Brown Family Vision is located at 622 W North Street in Grangeville Idaho. We are right across the street from the Emergency Room entrance of Syringa General Hospital.
We are constantly working to raise the bar on our services. If you have any questions or concerns about your experience, please let us know. We look forward to seeing you!
Brown Family Vision
622 West N Street
Grangeville, ID 83530
Text +1(208) 907-6002
+1 (208) 983 2020
8am - 5pm Monday
8am - 5pm Tuesday
8am - 5pm Wednesday
8am - 5pm Thursday
Booking appointments on selected days after 5pm.
Call to schedule an appointment today.